Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Truth.

It's been almost 6 months since I've heard your voice.

6 months of peace.
6 months of happiness.
6 months of freedom.

"I just want to talk. You owe me that much."

I listen to the voicemail and nearly throw my phone into the wall.

You were supposed to leave me alone.
I put up with you for over 17 years.
It took 17 years for it to end. 
For me to to end it.
Now you think you have the right to contact me?
Uh...Nope. Sorry. 
I don't think so.

Maybe you don't remember but I do.

My past was out of my hands. My future is out of yours.

I truly wish you the best, but that doesn't mean
that I ever want to see your ugly mug again.

Actions have consequences and you think you're immune. 
Guess what? You're not. 

This time the tables have turned. I'm calling the shots.
This time I choose me. Not you.
This time I win. Not you.

I refuse to see you. 
I refuse to hear you. 
I refuse to become you.


  1. wow, I really got into this post. I want to know more behind this story.
    I stole a lot of lines.

  2. " My past was out of my hands. My future is out of yours.
    " this is great i wish I could write like this. also I am sealing this

  3. "I refuse to become you."

    "My future is out of yours." Stolen. Great post.

  4. "My past was out of my hands. My future is out of yours."
    I wish I was joking when I say I teared up a little bit when I read that line.

  5. I really got into this post too.

    That doesn't normally happen.

  6. Freaking yes. Now... which line to steal?

  7. "My past was out of my hands. My future is out of yours."

    I know this has been stolen several times, but whatever. Consider yourself stolen from... for the 100th time. Not really, just the fourth. I really like your stuff. I am definitely coming back for more!
